Exorcism of Cindy Sauer


Cindy’s earliest experience with the paranormal occurred around the age of five. From that moment she was intrigued by spirits and the afterlife. As an adult she dabbled in amateur paranormal investigating around her longtime home town. Most of all, she enjoyed being a mother to three girls and a wife to husband Jim. Her happiness was cut short in 2009 when her husband took his own life unexpectedly. Months later she began experiencing things in her home she knew were paranormal in nature. Little did she know she was dealing with something far more sinister than she could have ever fathomed. It was a real and horrible war against evil itself.

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Cindy’s earliest experience with the paranormal occurred around the age of five. She and her sister witnessed her recently deceased great-grandmother at the edge of their bed late one night. From that moment she was intrigued by spirits and the afterlife. She sought books and papers on the matter from the moment she learned to read. As an adult she dabbled in amateur paranormal investigating around her longtime home town of Social Circle with her brother and best friend. She enjoyed it as a weekend hobby and was successful in being drawn to places that produced good evidence. She also sang lead in a band for several years during this time. Most of all, she enjoyed being a mother to three girls and a wife to husband Jim. Her happiness was cut short in 2009 when her husband took his own life unexpectedly. She was left to raise her children and deal with an insurmountable grief that weighed heavily on her. Months later she began experiencing things in her home she knew were paranormal in nature from her previous experiences. Little did she know she was dealing with something far more sinister than she could have ever fathomed. In the months and years to follow, her nightmare became so terrifying that she sought out the help of a professional paranormal team and a priest. None of them could have foreseen the ongoing battle that would ensue for all of them. It was a real and horrible war against evil itself.

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Cindy Sauer




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