Surviving Evidence


DiCesare’s view of life was forever changed by a series of horrifying events in and around his dorm room: C2D1 of Erie Hall. From early February through late April of 1985, he and his college friends would endure what is now called The C2D1 Haunting. Apparitions sighted, strange voices heard, moving objects witnessed and physical attacks all became part of the ordeal shared by Chris – who quickly became the focal point of the haunting. After years of avoiding the spotlight, in 2009 DiCesare – convinced by the level of respect and authenticity provided by the Please, talk with me film project – finally agreed to share his story. The film recreates the 1985 events surrounding the photograph that has become known across the internet as the ‘C2D1 ghost’. Featured on the SyFy channel’s show School Spirits. Please, talk with me premiered at SCARE-A-CUSE on September 14th, 2012 along with a companion book by the Rev. Tim Shaw. Surviving Evidence presents the most in depth look at the legendary C2D1 Haunting from the person at its center. DiCesare details the often extreme reactions — both positive and negative — that he and his fellow college mates experienced due to strange events that they were not prepared for. This memoir raises as many questions as it tries to answer. Historic relevancy, individual morality and the application of the paranormal experience in relation to free will are all deftly addressed in the context of the ten-week haunting by the person who witnessed it first-hand … and survived it.

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Christopher DiCesare


Hardback, Paperback


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