Since 1986, Phillip J. Boucher has been pursuing the writing craft. From simple poems and the creation of the Power Animal poetry newsletter to articles, books, fiction, and freelance writing, his progression in the writing field has always been fuelled by the desire to create works that both entertain and educate.
As an introvert, his very shy and quiet demeanor is the backbone of his success as a writer. Keeping relationships business-like rather than personal enables him to provide the best writing for his clients. He also is not the person to become “star-struck” when working with celebrities and other notables. His long-time column, Fresh On The Air, written for Canada’s new Amateur Radio operators, appears in each edition of The Canadian Amateur magazine. He is the author of the trade books Slot Machines: Fun Machines or Tax Machines?, The Complete Guide to Canada’s General Mobile Radio Service, and The Almost Complete Guide to Yaesu’s VX-6R.
In addition to his non-fiction books and freelance writing services, he is now writing fantasy fiction. His unpublished novels, Dragonstoen and Tattonville, are currently being reviewed by publishers. His fantasy short stories, Dragonstoen: An Amulet for a Prince, The Tower of Eletal, and Disturbance Call at the Fairy Bar, have all been published by Necrology Shorts.
Phillip lives in Ontario, Canada with his wife, three dogs. and all the fantasy creatures that reside in his head.