William Bove is a writer of Gothic Horror and Gothic Romance poems and short stories, dealing mainly with the topic of vampires.
William practiced year after year, reading everything he could get his hands on and stuffing himself with literary knowledge. Everything from Literature to poetry to art and writing became an instant path and pursuit, all with the purpose to piece himself together as a writer. He is published in several anthologies through JEA publishing. His current publisher is the one with whom he published his first book, a novella about vampires during the Great Depression called Once Upon A Grave, the first in a vampire trilogy.
Since then he has put out several more anthology stories and written many articles on horror and vampires and other creatures.
Has also written for an online horror magazine for over 6 years. A magazine called “Regoregitated Press” is the current incarnation of the magazine. Has given several interviews as well. He currently lives in St.Charles, Missouri, with family.
Get to KNow Andy:
TrickOrTreatThriller Interview (2016)
Articles by Andy: